- (773) 342-0200
- info@studentprogramsinc.com
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 5:00
Host Employers
diversify staff and experience global perspectives

Host employers
Diversify your staff and experience global perspectives. Exchange visitor programs are ideal for internationally-minded organizations. Participants bring new knowledge, expertise and global perspective to your business cultivating a dynamic and culturally diverse work environment. The exchange visitor programs include interns up to 12 months, trainees up to 18 months. SPI offers a talented selection of international candidates with a wide variety of skills and knowledge. SPI staff pre screen the candidates and provides support throughout the programs to both the participants and the host organizations. Your company may also contact SPI with a candidate that you have selected.

Host an Intern/trainee
- Interns and Trainees are dedicated, educated and skilled students and young professionals in all industries that bring an international perspective to your business.
- SPI works with your company to create a customized training placement plan.
- SPI provides guidance and support throughout the exchange program to the candidates and your organization.

Host Company requirements:
- The host organization must have at least 5 full-time staff members on site
- The internship or training location must be in full operation for a minimum of two years
- The host organization must have a valid Worker’s Compensation policy
- Internships/traineeships are required to be paid minimum wage or higher.
- Unskilled/casual labor and seasonal positions are prohibited on the program
Become a Host Employer
"Alice was a wonderful addition to our firm. She is extremely talented and we are sure her future will be bright. There were actually some tears shed on her last day! If all your interns are that great, count us in on any programs you offer. We look forward our next collaboration."
Prominent Architecture Firm
Los Angeles, CA
"Kinsei has exceeded all of our expectations during his internship with our agency. He was incredibly determined and eager to learn about our company. He displayed the professionalism and positive attitude required to be able to communicate with our customers. We truly believe that Kinsei learned a lot during his internship with us, and we sure learned a lot from him, as well. Kinsei was a positive, refreshing addition to our office."
Allstate Insurance
New York, NY
"Vera brought a fresh and youthful approach to our business style. In a way, she influenced our company culture just as much as she learned the profession from us. She always asked to be challenged in the work assigned to her. The SPI staff is accommodating and proactive in making a beneficial experience for us and our intern.”
Sunset Plaza Corporation
Los Angeles, CA